1 on 1 coaching includes

  • Personalized

    Our early sessions will focus on evaluating your current Fitness/Wellness levels and crafting a personalized program tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  • Evaluations

    Everyone has a way of measuring all levels of success. These will be utilized to show improvement and make sure you are on the right path.

  • Strength Training

    Establish a strong foundation with resistance training, a fundamental component for achieving fitness and wellness goals. Prioritizing strength training not only enhances muscular strength but also contributes to improved metabolism, body composition, and overall physical performance, placing you in the optimal position to successfully reach your fitness objectives.

  • Nutritional Mapping

    Learn which foods help your body thrive, while making informed nutritional choices. I provide education and support to cultivate exceptional eating habits.

  • Flexibility & Mobility

    Discover the importance of moving efficiently, not just appearing healthy. Integrate key movements to enhance efficiency, aiding both development and recovery.

  • 24/7 Coaching

    I'm just a call away for health and fitness advice, covering nutrition, mobility, flexibility, strength performance, sleep, lifestyle habits, and overcoming mental blocks.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clear headed with increased energy and deeper sleep

Small group training includes

  • Individualized

    You will have a personalized program to follow that prioritizes your goals, even though you will be training with others at different levels than you.

  • Resistance Training

    My foundation starts with resistance training. In order to achieve your fitness and wellness goals, prioritizing strength training will put you in the best position to hit your goals.

  • Group Discussions

    Constant contact in the group chat (or separate private chat if needed) to get expertise on nutrition, mobility/flexibility, strength performance, sleep, lifestyle habits, mental blocks, etc. All to benefit you and your group.

  • Collaboration

    Building comradery by pushing and encouraging each other to bring out the best of efforts.

Health Coaching Includes

  • Full Spectrum Health

    We take a look at all aspects of health. Physical, mental, emotional, community (relationship), environmental, and spiritual health. Everything is connected and if you’re lacking in one area, it can affect the others.

  • Weekly 1 on 1's

    These check-in’s are necessary. Reflecting on the week prior and building a gameplay for the week ahead to put you in the best position to optimize your health.

  • Lifestyle Change

    Building a set of realistic action items to complete daily, if not weekly. Consistency with the action items will soon build bullet proof habits that will make being healthy a walk in the park.

  • 24/7 Coaching

    I’m a phone call away on any health/fitness advice. Get expertise when it comes to nutrition, mobility and flexibility, strength performance, sleep, lifestyle habits, mental blocks, etc.

  • Hormone Optimization

    Gain insight into the stressors and nutritional factors that can disrupt your hormone levels, preventing you from achieving your optimal well-being. Integrate habits and dietary choices that promote harmony in your hormone health

  • BulletProof Your Gut

    Discover how certain dietary choices can negatively impact your digestion and compromise your gut health. Embrace practices and dietary adjustments that enhance digestion and maximize nutrient absorption for overall well-being.

What you can expect

  • FREE initial Comprehensive Fitness/wellness assessment

  • 60 Minute Sessions

  • Personalized programs surrounding strength training, mobility/flexibility, and nutrition to help you reach your goals.

  • Monthly Evaluations

  • Habit Implementation

  • Root Cause Health Education

  • Unlimited guidance and support via phone/email